

Say Hello to Fantomas 5

Introduction Fantomas 5 is here! The API of v5 is finalized! In this blogpost I will explain how you can migrate to v5 from v4. The latest preview versions are labelled as beta’s, meaning the API is stable. Please start using these latest versions, as the final product will be very close to what is out there today. Install Fantomas using dotnet tool install fantomas —prerelease What changed? Under the good, we achieve a massive performance boost. I explained this in a previous blogpost, Fantomas v5 is twice or more, as fast as v4. Achieving this required…



World domination, part one

Intro Some time ago, I was able to merge in a huge refactoring effort into the next major version of Fantomas. The result of these changes make Fantomas at least twice as fast as the v4 release. Before After In this blogpost, I’ll elaborate a bit how we did this and what you can expect from the V5 release. F# eXchange 2021 Last October, I had the opportunity to speak at F# eXchange. There I announced that what the plan was for the next major of Fantomas and how to get there. A crucial part of that talk was about how improving the at dotnet/fsharp was…



A word on triple-slash comments

Intro Yesterday, pretty much out of nowhere, FCS 41.0.3 was published on NuGet. I must say, I’m pretty hyped about this release. It contains a few PRs that improve the syntax tree and provide more information to work within Fantomas. It also contains some XML documentation improvements that Alex of the Rider team has been working on. You can read the details about this new XML collecting mechanism in this RFC. It is a nice improvement and I’ve decided to implement an enhancement in Fantomas due to these changes. There actually are comments in the syntax…



Fantomas Daemon

Intro The F# advent calendar is a wonderful initiative that inspires the community to create new content in a short period of time. I’ve been fortunate enough to be part of this for some years now. This year, I had in mind to sit this one out actually. Sometimes, there are just no new tales to tell and it is better suited to give others an opportunity. When I noticed that Sergey still had some spots left to fill, I did happily volunteer, though didn’t think it through that much. My original thought for this post was to create some content around the F…



Gitpod & Snowpack

Hey all, For my F# Advent calendar entry of 2020 I messed around with Gitpod, Snowpack & Fable. You can find the result in this video: Take care everyone! Cheers, nojaf Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash