A leap in RxJS



A while ago I wrote some JavaScript to create a custom slideshow. I recently had to revisit that project and I saw an opportunity to fiddle around with The way the slideshow works is that it shows three images and moves up one frame at a time.So initially the first three images are shown and the rest are hidden. You press the right button to move forward and the left to move backwards. Of course at the beginning of the slideshow you can't move backwards. Thus the left button is hidden. Once you are at the end of the…

Redux Thunk, javascript middleware for Redux



Lately I've been using a lot of Reactjs goodness in my side projects. React is only the V in a modern day MVW (Model, View Whatever) pattern and that's an interesting subject. Facebook uses its own library/pattern/architecture to cope with the other stuff, however there seem to be a lot of different opinions when it's comes to flux. One of those flux variants is Redux, created by Dan Abramov and others. If you never heard of Redux or don't really know how it works, I suggest you . In this blogpost I'll explain a way of dealing with async…