Public Speaking

Straight from the heart

Over the years, I've had the opportunity to participate in various shapes of Public speaking.
From webinars to online and physical conferences, I've seen a fair share and wish to keep track of these wonderful occasions.
Each and every one of them has been about a topic that is dear to me. My goal is to inspire, educate and help projects grow by doing these things.
And the best is yet to come!

Building a Vite plugin for F#

May 2024 at Func Prog Sweden

F# can be transpiled to JavaScript via the Fable project, offering a powerful alternative to vanilla JavaScript in the browser. Vite, having conquered the front-end world, is the preferred tool for many developers when starting a new front-end application.

What sets Vite apart is its exceptional plugin system. The integration of Fable within this system presents a fascinating case study, marking a blend of JavaScript tooling (Node, Deno, Bun) with dotnet. In this talk, I'll delve into the technical aspects of running transpiled F# code in the browser using the Vite development server, and also discuss the developer experience and design considerations relevant to this use case.

Prepare to explore the synergies between F#, Fable, and Vite, and understand the craft of bridging diverse ecosystems to enhance the developer experience.

Amplifying F#

June 2023 at fsharpConf (Online)

Amplifying F# is a new initiative to encourage hands-on collaboration on open-source F# software! We aim to inspire developers all over the world to chime in and make F# better in the process.

Making a difference in open-source

January 2023 at NDC London (United Kingdom)

Currently, I'm able to improve open-source software in a way where it really matters. In layman's terms, I'm being paid to work on open-source projects and features that directly benefit my customers. In this talk, I want to highlight the importance of giving back to something you take for granted because it is (mostly) free. How it looks like to contribute to and maintain projects in the wild.

Formatting F# code, There and Back Again

December 2021 at NDC Oslo (Norway)

In recent years code formatters have done wonders in many languages. They can help a language by making it easier for newcomers on the "how should it look like". And overall, they can avoid pointless arguments in teams. In a perfect world, a formatter is available with the first release of the language. For F# this wasn't the case. In recent years the Fantomas project is rising to empty that void. And given the state of the language and ecosystem, it can be a tough climb.

Fantomas V: The One that Will Format the F# Compiler

October 2021 at F# eXchange (Online)

Showcasing the grand plan for the next major version of Fantomas.

Watch on skills matter

Formatting F# source code

August 2020 at .NET Summit (Online)

Formatting F# source code

June 2020 at fsharpConf (Online)

This video cannot be embedded but you can watch it on YouTube .

Formatting F# Code

May 2020 at JetBrains .NET Days (Online)

If you format F# code in Rider, a tool called Fantomas will be called to process this. Fantomas is open source and I am one of the maintainers of this project. In this session I explained how Fantomas's high-level works, how I got involved in this project, and how it is wired into the FSharp support for Rider.


Est. 2020

I also have a YouTube channel where I post some more niche technical content.

A Journey into the Compiler and Tooling

September 2019 at FableConf Antwerp (Belgium)

When I wanted to add the capability of compiling F# scripts to Fable, I had to explore the infrastructure of the compiler as well as its JS clients, like fable-loader and fable-splitter. In this talk we will do this journey together to understand how all the pieces fit together so, maybe in the future, you can contribute a new feature to the compiler too.

From F# to JavaScript with Fable

August 2019 @ Webinar for JetBrains (Online)

Fable is an F# to JavaScript compiler powered by Babel, designed to produce readable and standard code. It has an active community and can be used across the entire JavaScript spectrum

Introduction to Fable

2018 @ Techorama (Belgium) (Partner Stage)

My first taste of giving a talk at conference. In this short lighting talk I've talked about Fable, the F# to JavaScript compiler.