

Fantomas configuration file

Hi all, The cat’s out of the bag: Fantomas now has support for configuration files. This means you can override the default settings using a JSON file. Check out the documentation for more information. In this post I wish to answer a couple of small questions about the Fantomas configuration files. JSON schema? We’ve added a JSON schema definition to So to get intellisense in most editors, you can add to the configuration file. Ionide integration? When using the latest Ionide version (4.4.3 and higher), your configuration will…



Using Create React App with Fable

Introduction 2019 has been a great year for me for all things F# related! I helped out with the organization of FableConf in Antwerp, gave a webinar at JetBrains and was able to release Fantomas 3.0. To wrap up the decade I’m writing this post as part of the F# Advent Calendar in English 2019. I had fun last year and I wish to continue this trend. To Feliz or not to Feliz Feliz has been receiving some traction in the community and at one-point Zaid asked me what I thought about it. My reply was, well it’s not for everybody 😅. In this blog post I’m going…



Building Fable on Travis CI

Introduction Hi nojaf from the future, its you from the past. Today you created a build script for compiling Fable projects on Travis CI. Using a Docker image you maintain it is pretty easy to set up a Travis CI process. This blogpost is meant to capture what you knew then in case you sorta forgot. The good part Once you logged in to Travis, create a project by selecting a repository. Don’t worry you log in with your GitHub account and hit the add button. They know you are you and you get to choose a repository you have on GitHub. If you did that then…



Writing a VSCode extension with Fable 2.1

Introduction This post is part of the F# Advent Calendar in English 2018. I’m very grateful to be a part of this and I hope you will enjoy this one as much as I have enjoyed the others. Today I would like to show you how you can create VS Code extension from scratch using Fable. Along the way we write some code that will extend the Markdown syntax. Project setup Code extension To get started we will follow the general approach of scaffolding a new extension. Using the yeoman generator we will scaffold a new JavaScript extension. Adding Fable In order to…



React hooks preview with Fable

Introduction A couple of weeks ago Facebook presented React hooks, a new way of accessing React features inside functional components. In this blogpost I would like to show that the new hooks can easily be used in combination with Fable. Disclaimer: Hooks are an experimental proposal to React, currently available in , and the api is not final yet. Use at your own risk. useState() A first example of a hook is useState(). When the hook is called, we receive a variable representing the state and a function to update the state. Example: Note that accepts a…