Fantomas 2.8: global .NET Core cli tool!



Hi all, A quick update regarding the new release of the project. There is a new and shiny . Install: The executable will be added to your path. Another new feature is the option.This will respect . You can check the for all changes in the 2.8 version. Last but not least there is a rumor that the project might move to the organization. This could lead to more people being involved in the project. Many thanks for everyone that was involved in this release. Enjoy, le mec nojaf UPDATE: Fantomas did indeed move to…

Fantomas rejuvenated: .NET cli tool



As part of the my mentor and I have been working on the .Fantomas is like or but for F#.It was originally created by Anh-Dung Phan and people have suggested that it could be a part of the. The source code of Fantomas is quite advanced so our approach is to focus first on improving the project in general. We noticed it was a bit old in terms of Visual Studio version and dependencies, so we organized the move to . The port had its challenges but in the end, we were able to release .Added…

Building Fable apps inside a Docker container



Want to use Docker to develop Fable applications? What if I told you it isn't all that difficult? So the first step with Docker images is that you check whether a suiting image that fits your needs already exists.When I checked Docker Hub for any recent images with the Fable tool chain I didn't really find anything that works with Fable 1.x. I accepted the fact that I would have to create the image myself.If you check the for requirements, we'll need: At first I thought that I would need two containers. One with Mono to restore the dependencies…

Adventures in Elm



2016 for me personal was the year the I came in serious contact with functional languages. I started looking at F#, applied functional concepts (partial application, immutability, pure functions and so on) in JavaScript, gave RxJS a shot and fell in love with React. A logical next step was looking at Elm. I was first introduced to Elm at a a while ago by . To be honest I was a bit overwhelmed at the time and a bit skeptical afterwards. I decided to give Elm another shot and learned a lot by following . Now I feel ready…

Running Laravel projects on Windows 10 using Docker



Nowadays I'm into PHP & Docker. Yep that's right this .NET boy is going wild! As I'm learning all these new concepts it became clear that you don't really start from scratch with PHP but you choose a framework. I ended up choosing Laravel because it is popular, has a beautiful website and there is this thing called . In this blogpost we're going to create the example from the Laravel documentation using instead of on Vagrant. To get started I assume: Open a PowerShell window and create a new project folder. PS MyUser\Projects>mkdir laravel-basic-task-list ProTip: start…